In Texas, the average high temperatures range from 86°F to 98°F in June. In July, the temperatures will only increase.

With that being said, preparing your pool for the summer comes with multiple things to cover. Making sure everything is running efficiently and that the water is clean are two main things to cover when opening up your pool for the hot weather.

You likely are reading this because you have noticed that your pool filter doesn’t seem to be working the way it should. This part of the pool is vital in keeping it clean, so making sure it is working correctly is important.

Read on to learn about pool filters and the signs that indicate it is time to replace the pool filter.

1. Pool Filter Is Leaking

Have you noticed that your pool filter is leaking? This can be a sign that your current filter is no longer able to work properly.

Leaks are one of the most common problems people experience with their pool filters. They can be caused by various problems, such as issues with the o-ring.

If you are unsure of what is causing the leak, call in a professional to look over it. They can tell you what the next best steps are.

2. Filter Is Not Cleaning Out Debris

The purpose of a pool filter is to help with collecting any debris that winds up in your pool. The filter should be continuously collecting anything that would otherwise need to be cleaned up with a net.

With that being said, sometimes if something is wrong with your pool filter, it may not efficiently collect the unwanted debris. Is there a build-up of debris in your pool, despite the filter and pump still running?

This means either the pump or the filter is not working properly. Calling for someone to come figure out which is the problem is the best thing to do if you are experiencing this issue.

3. Damaged Pleats

In your pool filter cartridge, the pleats inside are responsible for collecting the dirt and debris. The crevices between them help collect even the smallest of unwanted sediments in your pool.

When these pleats become flattened, they are not as efficient with cleaning and helping with water flow. Have you noticed that your pool is not quite as clean as it usually is and the pleats do not look the way they usually do?

These damaged pleats are a sign that it is time to think about replacing your current pool filter.

4. Dirty Water

Keeping your pool water clean is essential, as dirty water can negatively affect your and your family’s health. The usage of chlorine and pH is vital when keeping a pool clean, along with a properly working filtration system.

Despite using the necessary chemicals and keeping up with the maintenance, are you still having trouble keeping your pool water clean? Dirty water can be a sign that your filtration system is not working properly. 

If you cannot pinpoint any other reason for the dirty water, inspect your pool filter. Do you notice any damage or changes to the filter? If you do not see anything that explains it, call in a professional for pool service.

They can inspect your pool filter and make the necessary repair or replacements for you.

5. High PSI Pressure

If you have noticed that the pool’s PSI pressure is abnormally high, that usually means the cartridge needs to be cleaned.

Part of pool maintenance is taking care of your filtration system. Making sure to clean your pool filter properly can help maintain its efficiency and keep your pool clean. 

Once you have thoroughly cleaned your pool filter, check to see if that made any improvement in your pool’s PSI pressure. If you find that this did not help with the levels, then it means something is wrong with your pool filter cartridge and a replacement or repair is needed.

6. Cracked Caps

Pool filter cartridges have end caps on them, which keep them together. Over time, these caps can be damaged due to the chemicals in the water. Once these caps crack, this causes the cartridge to not work properly and potentially detach.

A crack in these caps is a sign to replace the cartridge. Unfortunately, there is no way to repair these caps, meaning a replacement will be necessary.

7. Crushed Pool Cartridge 

One reason that regularly inspecting your filtration system is important, is that it can help you identify any damage to it.

Did you find your pool filter cartridge crushed? This is a strong indicator that major issues are going on within the cartridge and filter as a whole.

This likely is the result of the inner core having a crack, or possibly it was the wrong-sized cartridge. If you find a crushed cartridge, then a replacement is necessary.

Get Back Your Pool Today

Pools can be quite complex to manage on your own, especially when you run into issues with them. Having difficulty with vital parts such as the pool filter can delay when you and your family can begin to enjoy the pool.

Sahara Pool Builder offers a variety of pool services, including repair for pool filter problems. Our professionals are dedicated to offering you exceptional service, so you can get back in your pool as soon as possible.

Contact us today if you are interested in any of our services or if you have any questions regarding them.